Article 17: To see if the Town will vote to accept the report of the Community Preservation Committee
for the FY 2013 Community Preservation Projected Receipts and act upon the recommendations of the Community Preservation Committee
and to set aside for later expenditure, certain sums of money from the Community Preservation Fund established pursuant to
Chapter 44B of the General Laws, as follows:
Estimated Surcharge Receipts (based on Town Treasurer's Projections):...$261,341.48
State Match (projected State Match)......$68,510.52
Total Projected Revenue.........................$329,852.00
Set Aside-Open Space
$32,985.20 to be set aside, held in the Community Preservation Fund, and spent in FY 2013 or later years for acquisition,
creation or preservation of open space, and for the rehabilitation and or restoration of open space acquired under the Community
Preservation Act.
Set Aside - Historic Preservation
$32,985.20 to be set aside, held in the Community Preservation Fund, and spent in FY 2013 or later years for the acquistion,
preservation, rehabilitation and restoration of historic resources.
Set Aside - Community Housing
$32,985.20 to be set aside, held in the Community Preservation Fund, and spent in FY 2013 or later years for the creation,
preservation and support of community housing, and for the rehabilitation and/or restoration of community housing acquired
under the Communkity Preservation Act.
Administrative Costs - Community Preservation Committee
$17,692.60 to defray the administrative and operating expenses of the Community Preservation Committee in FY2013 for the
Community Preservation Fund (discretionary).
FY 2012 Interest/Adjustments
To accept $24,000 of interest/adjustments received in FY012 and to set aside 10% in each of the Historic, Open Space and
Housing Reserve Accounts and 70% to the Budgeted Reserve/Discretionary.
$2,400.00 Set Aside - Open Space
$2,400.00 Set Aside - Community Housing
$2,400.00 Set Aside - Historic Preservation
$16,800 - CPF (Budgeted Reserve/Discretionary)
, or do or act anything in relation thereto.
Proposed by: Community Preservation Committee
Board of Selectmen Recommendation: Support
Advisory Committee Recommendation: Support
Summary: These set asides are an annual requirement under the Community Preservation Act.
Article 18: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $196,006.11 ($35,385.20 from the Open Space
Reserve Fund and $160,620.91 from the CPA General Unreserved/Fund Balance), to be applied to the Chestnut Hill Bond for the
purpose of open space. Said funds to be expended under the direction of the Community Preservation Committee; or do
or act anything in relation thereto.
Proposed by: Community Preservation Committee
Board of Selectmen Recommendation: Support
Advisory Committee Recommendation: Support
Summary: This article is the Community Preservation Fund's portion of the annual payment of the
bond funding for the preservation of Chestnut Hill Farm.
Article 19: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $40,000.00 from the Historical Reserve fund,
for research and chronicling the history of Southborough from 1970 to 2010 for the purpose of Historic Preservation.
Said funds to be expended under the direction of the Community Preservation Committee, or do or act anything in relation thereto.
Proposed by: Community Preservation Committee
Board of Selectmen Recommendation: At Town Meeting
Advisory Committee Recommendation: At Town Meeting
Summary: Moneys will be used to research and document Southborough's history from 1970 to 2010.
The finished product will be a book that the Historical Society can publish.
Article 20: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $62,100 from the General Unreserved/Fund
Balance for the purpose of hiring a consultant to perform deed research, data base development and associated GIS mapping
review as requested by the Planning Board and the Open Space Preservation Commission. Said funds to be expended
under the direction of the Community Preservation Committee; or do or act anything in relation thereto.
Proposed by the Communkity Preservation Committee
Board of Selectmen Recommendation: At Town Meeting
Advisory Committee Recommendation: At Town Meeting
Summary: Moneys will be used to determine which open space parcels, identified on approved subdivision
plans, are legally protected as open space through appropriate language in the conveying deed.