Article 25:
To see if the Town will vote to accept the report of the Community Preservation Committee for the FY2008 Community Preservation
Projected Receipts and act upon the recommendations of the Community Preservation Committee and to set aside for later expenditure,
certain sums of money from the Community Preservation Fund established pursuant to Chapter 44 B of the General Laws as follows:
Estimated Surcharge Receipts (based on Town Treasurer’s projections).............................................................................$235,174.00
State Match (based on actual surcharge receipts)……………
Total Revenue………………………………………………
Set Aside-Open Space
$46,568.10 to be set aside, held in the Community Preservation Fund and
spent in FY2008 or later years for acquisition, creation or preservation of open space, and for the rehabilitation and/or
restoration of open space acquired under the Community Preservation Act.
Set Aside – Historic Preservation
$46,568.10 to be set aside, held in the Community Preservation Fund, and
spent in FY 2008 or later years for the acquisition, preservation, rehabilitation and restoration of historic resources.
Set Aside – Community Housing
$46,568.10 to be set aside, held in the Community Preservation Fund, and
spent in FY2008 or later years for the creation, preservation and support of community housing, and for the rehabilitation
and/or restoration of community housing acquired under the Community Preservation Act.
Administrative costs - Community Preservation Committee
$23,284.05 to defray the administrative and operating expenses of the Community
Preservation Committee in FY2008
Set Aside –Discretionary
Reserved for CPF (Discretionary) $302,692.65
FY-2006 Interest Adjustments
To accept $24,102.53 of interest received in FY06 and to set aside 10%
in each of the Historic, Open Space and Housing reserve Accounts and 70% to the General Reserve Account.
$2,410.25 Set Aside – Open Space
$2,410.25 Set Aside – Community Housing
$2,410.25 Set Aside – Historic Preservation
$16,871.78 General Unreserved
Or do or act anything in relation thereto.
Board of Selectmen Recommendation: Support
Advisory Committee Recommendation: 5 Support
set asides are an annual requirement under the Community Preservation Act.
see if the Town will vote to appropriate $155,000 comprised of $91,748.57 from the CPA Housing Reserve Fund and $63,251.43
from the fiscal year 2007 Discretionary Fund, as requested by the Southborough Affordable Housing Trust. Moneys will be used
for the purchase and or construction of new affordable housing in accordance with the Southborough Affordable Housing Trust
general by laws and in compliance with the Community Preservation Act. Said funds to be expended under the direction of the
Community Preservation Committee, or do or act anything in relation thereto
Board of Selectmen Recommendation: Support
Advisory Committee Recommendation: 5 Support
Funds from
the CPA and from Southborough’s inclusionary zoning bylaw used in the flexible structure of the Housing Trust Fund will
allow the Town to act quickly and creatively in meeting the Town’s affordable housing needs.
To see
if the Town will vote to appropriate the amount of $61,447 from the CPA Historic Fund, as requested by the Southborough Historical
Society for Restoration of the Flagg School/ Historical Society Museum. Said funds to be expended under the direction of the
Community Preservation Committee, or do or act anything in relation thereto.
Board of Selectmen Recommendation: Support
Advisory Committee Recommendation: 5 Support
The Flagg
School is a Town owned historical property used for archival storage, processing, and public viewing of historically significant
manuscripts, records and objects in the collection of the Historical Society. Users will benefit by having safe access to
an attractive historic building upgraded to modern standards of climate control and energy saving practices.
To see
if the Town will vote to appropriate $21,600 from the CPA Historic Reserve Funds, as requested by the Southborough Historical
Society for a Southborough Community Oral History Project. Said funds to be expended under the direction of the Community
Preservation Committee, or do or act anything in relation thereto.
Board of Selectmen Recommendation: Support
Advisory Committee Recommendation: 6 Support
This project
will preserve an important, but often overlooked, part of Southborough’s past by interviewing older residents who knew
the life of Southborough as a collection of smaller villages, who lived through the pivotal events of the twentieth century,
and went about their daily lives as the Town changed around them. The interviews will be shared in talks, exhibits and a publication.
ARTICLE 29: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $22,312 from the CPA Historic Reserve Fund
to fund Phase I of the Southborough Town Clerk’s project for preservation and microfilming of historic town records;
said funds to be expended under the direction of the Community Preservation Committee, or do or act anything in relation thereto.
Board of Selectmen Recommendation: Support
Advisory Committee Recommendation: Support
Summary: Paul J. Berry, Town
Clerk, who has presided over the Town’s records for many years, will be responsible for this project in which public
records will be preserved. Unless this is done, important records will continue to deteriorate under damp storage conditions
and will eventually become illegible.
ARTICLE 30: To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $25,000 from the CPA Historic Reserve Fund
for Renovation of the All Wars Monument. Said funds to be expended under the direction of the Community Preservation Committee,
or do or act anything in relation thereto.
Board of Selectmen Recommendation: 2 Support 1 Abstention
Advisory Committee Recommendation: 6 Support
Summary: This project of the VFW
and American Legion Posts of Southborough will up-grade and make more accessible the All-Wars monument built in 1971 at the
eastern end of the Town Common. This monument is a reminder to the community of our veterans who made the supreme sacrifice
while serving the armed forces, and of all our veterans who have helped to maintain our freedom.
ARTICLE 31: To see if
the Town will vote to appropriate $176,380.67 comprised of $91,748.52 from the Open Space Reserve Fund, and $84,632.15 from
the fiscal year 2007 Discretionary Fund to be applied to the Chestnut Hill Bond. Said funds to be expended under the direction
of the Community Preservation Committee, or do or act anything in relation thereto.
Board of Selectmen Recommendation: Support
Advisory Committee Recommendation: 3 Support 3 Not Support
Summary: This article is the Community Preservation Fund’s portion
of the annual payment of the bond funding for the preservation of Chestnut Hill Farm.